Smart Parks offers various services.


The deployment of technological solutions.


The development, procurement and deployment of devices.


The development of new technological solutions.

Training & Support

Training and Support to improve the use of technological solutions.


We share our knowledge to design and implement technological solutions.


The Smart Parks team has a proven track-record in the deployment of technological solutions in various parts of the world. This includes the preparation and installation of LoRaWAN systems in remote protected areas. These projects usually start with planning and design, followed by procurement of all the materials, site preparation, logistics, installation and on site training. Deployments may also include the provisioning and installation of Internet connections, wired and wireless IP networks and various sensors, local or cloud servers, solar installations and various software configurations like EarthRanger.


Part of the Smart Parks expertise lies with the inventions, development and deployment of various devices to support the protection of wildlife. This includes all devices developed within the OpenCollar Initiative. Our team also supports with the procurement, provisioning and integration of existing devices available. Most of the devices we currently provide can be found in our online catalog.


At Smart Parks we like to discover, make and use new technological solutions to protect wildlife. The development of these solutions lies within the core of our capabilities. Together with a wide network of partners, we iterate through upcoming and existing technologies in a mission to apply them into new solutions. This is how we have introduced LoRaWAN into Conservation and continue to do this with new technologies.


Working with new technological solutions usually creates the need for training and support beyond the initial deployment. This is why we continue to provide training and support during and after the introduction of novel technological solutions. This includes online and on-site sessions. An example list of training sessions can be found on here.


Working with technology for the protection of wildlife for years, we have build a deep understanding what it takes to work in this field. We are happy to share this knowledge to ensure the ecosystem keeps on developing. This may include the evaluation of new technologies or solutions, the design of technological solutions, second opinions of deployment plans and the envisioning of future applications.