Track record
Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to participate in many projects where our technology was able to make a difference. Some of these campaigns were confidential, but these are some of the highlights we can share with you.
Smart Parks Pilot – Tanzania
In April 2016, Smart Parks completed the installation of a new communication and observation system in Mkomazi National Park. This Smart Park system has two goals. Firstly, to increase the security of people and wildlife in the sanctuary and secondly, to optimise the park’s operations. The Smart Park concept has been further developed in conjunction with several organisations such as African Parks and Vulcan.
ShadowView for Kids – The Netherlands
In conjunction with the Dreamery Foundation and CodeUur we have developed an educational program for primary school kids to teach them how to use technology to protect wildlife. We have even set a world record by engaging over 10,000 children in classrooms around the Netherlands who simultaneously programmed drones to go after a fictive elephant poacher.
National Park Rescue – Malawi
Operational support for the Safe Haven campaign in Liwonde National Park in Malawi.
Tech for Tusks – Kenya
Smart Parks partnered with Wildlife Works to improve anti-poaching efforts in the Kasigau wildlife corridor near Tsavo, by introducing several technological solutions such as drones, ground sensors, and forensic investigation kits. Smart Parks also provided the local rangers with advanced tracking training. Our progress was filmed and broadcast by Discovery Channel.
Saving Orangutans – Indonesia
This orangutan project was the start of a long-term partnership with International Animal Rescue (IAR). Smart Parks has tested various configurations of unmanned aerial systems for a variety of possible long-term conservation missions. This has included deploying drones flying to remote areas to find orangutan habitats and introducing tracking chips which IAR vets subcutaneously inserted in orangutan’s necks, when first released back into the wild.
Project Dragonfleye – South Africa
Smart Parks sent four students from the prestigious Technical University of Delft to South Africa to train local rangers to use small multirotor drones with infrared cameras. In just two and a half months, the patrols in wildlife reserves had substantially improved in efficiency and safety.
Anti-poaching patrols – South Africa
Smart Parks has provided aerial drone support for anti-poaching operations in South Africa for many years now, and will continue to do so where necessary. In 2014, drone images led to the interception of two rhino poachers in the Greater Kruger Area. This operation was broadcast on national Dutch television.
Elephant protection – Malawi
Smart Parks provided the anti-poaching unit in Kasungi, Malawi with drone equipment and training to improve the efficiency of their patrols.
Orangutan Tracking – Borneo, Indonesia
In 2014, Smart Parks provided aerial video and imagery support for a National Geographic Orangutan Rescue documentary Back to the wild. Currently, Smart Parks is collaborating with International Animal Rescue to guarantee long-term aerial tracking of orangutans to protect and monitor them after their rehabilitation release.
OpenDroneMap HIF Project – Global
OpenDrone Map is supported by the Humanitarian Innovation Fund. The Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance.