The black rhinos journey back to Zinave National Park, Mozambique
Seven critically endangered black rhinos and twenty white rhinos have been successfully translocated from Manketti Game Reserve in South Africa to Zinave National Park in Mozambique. With this reintroduction, the black rhino has returned to Southern Mozambique which disappeared [...]
Smart Parks assists to bring back the bison to the UK
Wild bison have returned to the UK for the first time in thousands of years. The steppe bison is thought to have roamed the woodlands until hunting and changes in habitat led to its global extinction. The European bisons [...]
WildlifeNL: The Dutch Wildlife Comeback – research proposal granted!
Utrecht, April 2022 – On March 18th, the Institute for Science in Society (ISiS) received the great news that an Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA/Dutch Research Agenda) 8-year, 5 million research proposal was granted. Fantastic news! The project is called 'The [...]
Smart Parks Gonarezhou – the place for elephants
Utrecht, April 2022 – Last month the Gonarezhou National Park and Smart Parks teams have realised the first Smart Parks LoRaWAN® system in Zimbabwe. A total of 6 site installations were built to create LoRaWAN® coverage in one of [...]
Spring update on Smart Parks – OpenCollar Edge devices
It is time for a major update on what Smart Parks is working on with regards to the new Edge devices. You may have noticed that we have not been able to stick to the planning for delivery of [...]
RangerEdge – the most advanced sensor for protecting the guardians of our wildlife
Utrecht, December 2021 - Smart Parks releases its most advanced device for rangers in protected areas. Across the world, rangers are guarding the remaining wild places. They are the “boots on the ground” that stand between poachers and endangered [...]